Emotions at work….
It is extremely human to be emotional and it is extremely important to be emotional about your work…. Yes! Your read it right!
Emotions are what define the living from the non-living….
Dedication, commitment, passion, empathy, responsiveness, compromise, persistence, patience, strength amidst adversity, etc are all emotions…
It is good to be emotional about your work….
But be sure you have your emotions right sized and in the right place!
There is a difference between passion and melodrama… being active does not necessarily mean being overly animated… there is a very thin line between courage of conviction and arguing incessantly… the feeling the you are right does not automatically mean that everyone else is wrong… and gaining consensus cannot lead to groupism….
So before covering yourself with that self-comforting, self-created, definition of the self… of being a company person that has his heart in the right place…. ask yourself if you ‘truly’ fit the bill!!!