Direct communication to avoid confrontation…
When you don’t like something someone is doing, how do you deal with it? Would you indirectly indicate to him or would you have a direct conversation…. and if so, when would you get to a point where you talk to him one-to-one? Or are you one of those that will call him out in public and make it a big deal…. Or would you prefer just burying it in your heart and stay silent about it forever??? And do you have a different approach to each situation… each person!!!
And on the flip side, how would you take it if someone calls you out on something that you did to them… How would you hope that he brings it up to you???
Any which way… most people struggle with “directness”!!!
Either they are not direct or if they are, they do not handle it well! It is difficult, either to bring it up with the other party directly or to deal with it when the other party brings it up directly… The sheer pressure of the moment seems overbearing…
Most people get emotional… or should I say find it hard to handle their emotions… don’t seem to do very well no matter which side of the table they are on…. And knowing this, they prefer to be indirect or simply stay silent!
Stop branding it as “I don’t like confrontation”… No dispute has ever been solved by being indirect…. And when you try involving an objective third party to resolve it for you… you never know what you will end up with!!!
Develop the maturity, the courage, the patience, the tact, the openness and the empathy that aid direct one-to-one communication….
Confrontation is but communication out of control!!! And even if one of the two parties is committed to communication for a healthy resolution, a positive outcome for all involved can be enabled….
Communicate directly… clearly… respectfully…. and with empathy. A positive outcome will come!