Coffee when cold and Coke when hot

Coffee when cold and Coke when hot
Have you been a part of those incessant family debates where there is a family member that has not a second thought before swallowing a pill and there is the other that looks at every pill as a small dose of addictive poison?
I have heard doctors advise against drugs unless absolutely necessary and those that say, “what’s wrong in taking in a chemical that the body is deficient in”?
Smoking is injurious to health. That has not slowed down the tobacco industry. Alcohol kills, yet, the liquor store is one of the biggest, most profitable of businesses!
We don’t mind risking the distant future for the immediate gratification that we so desperately seek!
Whether you get Coffee or Coke, what you are really seeking is the Caffeine contained in it! Caffeine is not the best for your health.
What matters is how you feel right this moment!