Category: Process & Approach

Inefficiencies - Sashank Purighalla


Inefficiencies exist in the human realm as much as we are a part of a perfect universe… a universe that goes through its infinitely repeating cycles of creation, sustenance and dissolution… Your innate nature...

Lost in symptoms - Sashank Purighalla

Lost in symptoms

Symptoms steal attention. They are pronounced… easily noticed! Root cause could be concealed. It requires digging out layers until the problem is revealed. We lose energy, time and sometimes end up taking inaccurate steps...

Perfection - Sashank Purighalla


Consider a sculptor sculpting a sculpture. He starts with a huge monolith and starts chipping away pieces. At first it is just less of the same huge monolith… hardly seems anything more than just...



You can convince with your words. You can convince with your deeds. When you convince with your words, you are invariably required to prove the same with your actions. When you convince with your...

Too deep in the weeds

Too deep in the weeds

It’s not about smarts, not about knowledge nor experience…. The best professional could still experience intellectual fatigue when he has been working too long on a system, causing him to overlook obvious issues. Or...

The undo button

The undo button…

As addicted to computers as we have become, its but natural to mentally visualize a ‘Ctrl Z’ when something that we do not intend to, happens. I have had friends who wanted to pull...