You are built to be different… it’s just about recognizing it!
A person suffering from a chronic ailment can control it only by applying natural changes to his lifestyle over time…. An organization ridden with internal politics and unhealthy attitudes can only be changed by management recognizing and enforcing policies and by reprimanding, mentoring and monitoring people over time…. A society plagued by dogma and fanaticism can be made to change only by applying drastic measures over a long span of time…. It takes even longer to reverse Environmental issues that have been created over time….
You cannot apply a quick fix to most chronic problems…. You can impact change only over long spans of time and it is not easy.
But this rule deviates in you! If you are struggling with an attitude problem, or a mental block, or a habitual disorder, or a character trait that you are not happy with… it takes but a minute to change, regardless how long it took you to get into that mode!!!
All you have to do is decide and stick to a new way of living!
I don’t mean to come across like it is easy… but if there is one thing that you can change, it is you… if there is one person that can influence a change in you, it is you!
And if you decide… your chronic attitude or habitual problems can be fixed in but a minute….
You are built to be different! Nothing else can change as quickly as you can…. Recognize it and for once, make that deliberate attempt to change for the better!