Brand “You”….

The importance of building your own identity
People spend years together chasing after someone they take as their role model or idol….
You want to be good… you hope to be recognized and thankfully, you are always able to find people that inspire you….
You are enamored by the way someone works… you are at awe at somebody’s accomplishments… you love the way someone dresses or looks… you hope to be able to sing or dance as well as someone else does…. The list can go on!
This, in most cases, gives you a lot of hope…. “If he could do it, I can do it too”! And at times, this same thought, depresses you… “How and when will I get there”?
Most youngsters commit the mistake of idolizing the ones that inspire them…. They try to ape what others have done… They want to dress like them, talk like they do, take the same stream of education….
While this may be alright when you are a child, for all of us learn by aping… it is absolutely critical that you realize quickly, what it is that you really want!
Do you want to be like him? Or… do you want to be successful and accomplished and knowledgeable and capable and excel at things?
Few that have tired to be like somebody else over an extended period have really gotten anywhere in life!
What you want is, to be ‘great’… and greatness can be achieved only by being great…. not by being like someone else! And that greatness has to be native to you… it must be something that you have… which is unique in its own way….
Each person is different and each person will grow and excel differently… and at different points in time… and in different things! It really boils down to identifying what it is that you are good at… what you are happy doing… where your aptitude lies! And while you should absolutely take advise from your seniors, end of the day, it it up to you to figure out!!!
Creating your own brand is about identifying that very unique aspect of you, which is the sum total of everything that you are… and letting that exude from your being….
It will take a little bit of self-introspection… of turning your torch inwards, to look at where your inner compass is pointing…. It is about asking yourself what you really want from your life…. It is about understanding that it is necessary to learn from others’ experiences… from history… from taking guidance from your trusted associates and seniors…. But it is up to you, to own up to the making of your brand!!!
Work on building your brand… This is the best product that you will ever work on branding!!!
“…….Some people are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them…..” said Shakespear in one of his works. One should achieve greatness – that is making your own brand.