Beware of those that poison your mind…
There are those that are smart and really good at heart… and one day you find them coming across in ways that is totally contrary to who they are….
Know ye then, that they might have been fed some venom….
The good news is that such people are also quick to heal from such poison intake… for when the venom comes out… they are back to being themselves….
You would hope that they were immune… unfortunately, that is not to be!!!
Should they be important enough to you, feed them the antidote so they bounce back…. Delay too much, and you danger losing them to those dark hearts!!!
Protect those that are important from being poisoned… should they be poisoned, work on them immediately to show them the truth…
More importantly, evaluate if they are under the influence of someone else’s dark heart, or if it is the negativism sprouting in their own heart…. for it’s the ones that can get influenced, that are the quickest to then start dwelling in those dark realms….
Misdirected anger, negativity, inability to recognize goodness, being able to shut ones eyes to truth, etc… all resulting from being influenced by wrong people with dark hearts and corrupted minds… are the characteristics that have their roots in darkness….
Be sure that you are not one such person!!!
You can claim no birth in His Kingdom, if you can fall a prey to the poison of the Devil!