Are you becoming a captive of your psychological comfort?

Are you becoming a captive of your psychological comfort
As a leader you recognize your strengths and shortcomings. If you want to be a good leader, you try to surround yourself with people that make you more effective.
Surrounding yourself with strong people that cover for your gaps and are able to challenge your thinking while staying in line with business goals is necessary for success.
To continue to be an effective leader, ask yourself these two very important questions on and often:
1. Do I have adequate skill representation in my team for me to get a full picture of whether or not my strategy is working
2. Am I making myself a captive to the psychological comfort that I derive from the presence of a small portion of my team to the detriment of the company?
Being honest and gaining the emotional and intellectual maturity to be able to ask oneself these questions is hard enough… what’s harder is being able to answer them with brutal honesty!
Many jobs are filled by the wrong people because the leaders who promote them grow comfortable with them. It is natural for executives to develop a sense of loyalty to those they have worked with over time, particularly if they come to trust their judgements.
But it is a serious problem when the loyalty is based on wrong factors.
When leaders become blindly loyal to their team members to the detriment of their business and start delegating even the most vital responsibilities of their business that they should rightfully own, to a loyalist that may be clearly impacting wrong business moves, it is an indication that the leader is leading himself into eventual professional demise….
Draw the distinction between what’s important to your business Vs what makes you feel good!
It is ultimately your responsibility….