Your tipping point

Your tipping point
I was at an airport recently where our flight was canceled. We had to wait in a queue for about 4 hours.
The first hour was fun. Everyone spoke to everyone else; expressed their unhappiness at the situation; shared what they had with each other; looked kindly at the kids. Everyone was understanding, empathetic, considerate and giving!
Two hours in, there were sandwiches being distributed but the general expectation by now went beyond what could be satisfied by free food.
Three hours in, it was like a refugee camp. Kids did not seem as cute anymore. Compassion levels had dropped to tragic levels. This airlines was never to be trusted again.
Four hours in, it was each man to himself. All we thought about was my space, my time and my bottle of water… the other dare not come close!
Such is life! At what stage does it become all about you? That point probably, defines who you truly are.
What’s your tipping point?