Category: Execution



There might have come a point in your life when you felt that you are doing well. Is this a feeling or an assessment? Is it absolute or relative? If you are good relative...

The next base camp - Sashank

The next base camp

A mountain climb takes time. It takes patience, stamina and bullish persistence. It requires stops for rest and re-assessment from time to time. And it happens at that next base camp. Long arduous journeys...

Theatrics Vs Productivity - Sashank

Theatrics Vs Productivity

Theatrics can get you only so far. Those about you quickly decipher drama from true progress. True progress can only be impacted by genuine effort coupled with knowledge and skill. It’s a factor of...

How to cut a tree - Sashank

How to cut a tree

You cannot cut a large tree by throwing stones at it. You can work for days and months relentlessly and wear yourself out. Your inevitable confusion for not getting results despite your hard work,...

From Aspirant to Achiever - Sashank

From Aspirant to Achiever

No person or entity has achieved anything predictable without the discipline of getting things done. It is only through a structured, methodical approach that you can hope to get from one point to another,...